Canada 150 Presentation at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #4 Chilliwack, BC

I had the pleasure of being invited to deliver the Canada 150 Presentation at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #4 in Chilliwack, BC. Captain (Retired) Ted Bowman had contacted me regarding the possibility of joining them to help celebrate the 94th  BIRTHDAY of the Royal Canadian Air Force. We arrived early to meet some of the members and guests, about 50 or so. After the equipment was set up  it was time to enjoy a nice luncheon, then on to the presentation .

A lot of the members had been in the Canadian military, many of them in the RCAF, and had been based across the country.  During the presentation it was nice to hear their comments and stories of their adventures in places that we had visited last summer. After the presentation several spoke with me personally embellishing items that I had spoken about and sharing more in-depth stories of their own time in the military and their time in the RCAF. One of the most senior gentleman had been in the Canadian Army and had been in the wave of soldiers landing on the beaches on D-Day. 


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