Our Monday morning found us continuing as tourists in Brantford. Very near where we were staying with my niece, Lyn, was an historic site of the First Nations people, H.M. Royal Chapel of the Mohawks.
The chapel was built well over 200 years ago while Canada was still a British Colony. There is a tomb erected to the memory of Thayendanegea, or Captain Joseph Brant, Principal Chief and Warrior of the Six Nations Indians. He served with the British Army and died at Wellington Square, U.C. in 1807. The tomb also contains the remains of his son, Ahyouwaighs, or Captain John Brant, who fought with the British Army in the war of 1812.
Around that time, Burlington was then known as Wellington Square, Upper Canada. The hospital in Burlington, Ontario is named the Joseph Brant Hospital.
Nearby was also a Residential School in quite a state of disrepair, however, there appeared to be some restoration going on for the entrance of the building.
We just had to go to Hutch’s restaurant on the Hamilton Beach on Lake Ontario. Hutch’s is an iconic fish and chips restaurant that has been around since 1946. I used to go there on my bicycle in my early days as a very young teenager. That was when Hula-Hoops were the greatest thing on earth.
The old wooden restaurant is long gone but they managed to save the sign and it’s now on the new restaurant. Inside, the place is still as crowded as ever and the fish and chips still tasted pretty good.
Our time in Ontario was coming to an end so we had to make an important stop on our journey. We visited the cemetery where my parents are laid to rest in Burlington and also visited the cemetery where Valerie’s parents are laid to rest in Hamilton.
Tomorrow we fly.